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INSAT-3DS Satellite Embarks on its Journey to SDSC-SHAR Launch Port.

On January 25, 2024, the INSAT-3DS satellite, a dedicated meteorological endeavor by the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), was ceremoniously flagged off to the Satish Dhawan Space Centre (SDSC-SHAR) launch port. This satellite marks a pivotal stride in providing seamless services, ensuring continuity from the existing INSAT-3D and 3DR satellites while significantly amplifying the capabilities of the INSAT system.

The INSAT-3DS satellite, a user-funded initiative in collaboration with the Ministry of Earth Science (MoES), has undergone meticulous Satellite Assembly, Integration & Testing activities at the U R Rao Satellite Centre in Bengaluru. The Pre-Shipment Review (PSR) on January 25, 2024, witnessed active participation from members of the user community, marking a crucial milestone in the satellite’s journey.

Configured around ISRO’s well-established I-2k bus platform and boasting a Lift-Off Mass of 2275 kg, the satellite is a testament to the substantial contributions made by Indian industries in its fabrication. Engineered for advanced meteorological observations, the INSAT-3DS satellite aims to monitor land and ocean surfaces for weather forecasting and disaster warnings. Its state-of-the-art payloads include a 6-channel Imager, a 19-channel Sounder for meteorology, as well as communication payloads such as the Data Relay Transponder (DRT) and the Satellite-Aided Search and Rescue (SAS&R) transponder.

The Data Relay Transponder (DRT) plays a pivotal role in enhancing weather forecasting capabilities by receiving meteorological, hydrological, and oceanographic data from Automatic Data Collection Platforms (ADCP) and Automatic Weather Stations (AWS). Meanwhile, the Satellite-Aided Search and Rescue (SAS&R) transponder facilitates the relay of distress signals and alerts, contributing to search and rescue services with global coverage. As INSAT-3DS sets out for its launch onboard GSLV F14, it heralds a new era in meteorological observation and disaster management.

Surendra Uikey

My name is Surendra Uikey, I am a science blogger, I have been blogging for the past three years, because I love to write, especially on astronomy, and I believe, if you want to learn something, then start learning others, By this it will be, that you learn things in a better way. In 2019, I started, the aim of making was to connect astronomy in simple words to common people.

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