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Showing posts from June, 2019

Recognition of Rodent Research Hardware System on ISS.

                                                        Operated by the Novartis Institute of Biomedical Research, and the results of the first ISS National Lab Rodent Research Mission (RR-1), provided a quick model of disease to study the mechanism behind the disease and testing of scientists in research. And new treatments. RR-1 mission aims to validate Rodent Research hardware system on ISS. And researchers from Novartis Institute of Biomedical Research - Research branch of Novartis, America's premier pharmaceutical company, has published the findings from the first research on rodent research on International Space Station (ISS).  This investigation, Rodent Research (RR-1), has both services to recognize the Rodent Research hardware system on ISS, and to detect the molecular basis of skeletal muscle atrophy in microbiology.  Scientists have found the human for more than 100 years  In health studies, rodents have used rodents as model organisms. In the 1950s, scientists studi...

Nasa, Dragonfly will discover areas around Saturn's icy moon.

                                                                                                              American space agengy NASA has announced a few times in advance, that our next mission is the solar system, the unique, rich biological world Titan. The same Dragonfly will be launched in 2026, which will orbit Saturn's satellite Titan, and will work till 2034.  Rotorcraft will fly to Titan on dozens of promising places and look for common chemical processes on both Titan and Earth.  And moving forward our quest for the same building blocks of life, the satellite of the Dragonfly mission Saturn will search for the terrain around the icy moon, and will also carry many types of flights to check and check the sites.  NASA will blow a multi-rotor vehicle for science on another planet for the first time; It has eight rotor and flies like a big drone. It will take advantage of Titan's dense environment - four times more concentration than Earth - for the reusable and targe...

Hubble space Telescope

Hubble Space Telescope is a astrophysicular viewer, if I say hubble is not telescope. If I say that hubble telescope is an eye, then it would not be wrong to say, friends, we all know that hubble space telescope showed us the picture of the Universe  That is what we have never seen. That is why it will not be wrong to say eyeball.  Friends As we know, hubble space telescope is by far the biggest space telescope.  Hubble space telescope is built by the American space agency Nasa and the Russian space agency esa.  Hubble space telescope was established in the Earth's orbit on April 25, 1990, with the help of American spacecraft Discovery.  Hubble telescope is named after American astronomer Edwin Ponwell Hubble.  The Hubble telescope was initially planned to be launched in 1983, but due to some technical flaws and budget problems, the project was delayed by seven years.  And it launched in the year 1990.  Some time after the launch, scientists fo...

Mission made on the moon of Nasa.

                                                                               The moon is the only satellite of the earth, friends, as we all know, many space agencies have carried out various missions on the moon, to search for life on the moon. The world's largest space agency Nasa has done many missions. Some succeeded if something went wrong, some failed. Hello friends, I am Surendra Uikey, and today our topic is, the mission by NASA on the moon. The moon is the only satellite of the earth, friends, as we all know, many space agencies have carried out various missions on the moon, to search for life on the moon. The world's largest space agency Nasa has done many missions. Some succeeded if something went wrong, some failed. Hello friends, I am Surendra Uikey, and today our topic is...

NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope will be closed.

NASA briefly informed that the Spitzer Space Telescope will be permanently discontinued on January 30, 2020. After about 16 years of discovering the universe in light energy.  And by that time, the space shuttle has been working for more than 11 years beyond its prime mission, Spitzer examines the universe's various objects in infrared light.  It was in 2003 through the rocket that the American Space Research Organization NASA entered the space and entered the orbit around the Earth.  Spitzer rotates the sun on a path similar to that of the Earth but it runs a bit slower.  Today it is about 158 ​​million miles (254 million kilometers) away from our planet - more than 600 times the distance between Earth and Moon.  The spacing of Spitzer's orbit curve means that when the spacecraft indicates its fixed antenna on the earth to download data or receive commands, its solar panels tend to lean away from the sun.  During those periods, to operate the space shut...

Human's curiosity about the moon

                                                                                                                                                               The moon is our only satellite on Earth, which is 350,000 k,g away from the Earth.Hello friends, I am Surendra Uikey,  and today we will talk, about the moon.The moon is very close to the Earth, and for this reason we see the moon bigger.  The moon is the brightest thing in the night time. There have always been questions in our mind about the moon.  Friends, as we all know, we are always inquisitive, and becaus...

SpaceX , Falcon 9 and RadarSat Mission SLC-4E, Launch.

                                                                                                                                                        SpaceX is targeting Wednesday June 12 for the launch of the RADARSAT constellation    mission from Space Launch Complex 4E (SLC-4E) on the Vandenberg Air Force Base in  California.  The primary launch window opens at 7:17 PM PDT, or 14:17 UTC, and closes at 7:30 PM PDT, or 14:30 PMTC.  About 54 minutes after the launch, the deployment of  satellites will begin.  A backup launch window opens on a Thursday, June 13, at 7:17 a PD...

ISRO Mission chandrayaan 2, Challenges of a Moon's Landing.

Chandrayaan-II is the second lunar exploration campaign in India, which has been developed by the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO).  The plan is to launch the GSLV Mark 3 launch vehicle.  This campaign will include a Chandra Orbiter (Chandra Yaan) and a rover and a lander built in India.Launch between Chandrayaan 2 July 15, and the possibility of moon-landing on September 6, 2019. According to ISRO technical challenges Chandrayaan Mission can face the Moon during landing. The ISRO Chandrayaan Mission will have three modules named Orbiter, Vikram Lander and Pragyan Rover, in which there will be two different options for Landers.  ISRO has shared an image in which various challenges have been mentioned which can happen with Vikram Lander and some technical difficulties are as follows:Trajectory: The distance between the Moon and Earth is approximately 3.844 million kilometers.  Therefore, making sure to increase time while traveling at such a great distance...

Chandra Detects Another star Coronal Mass Ejection From.

 A coronal mass ejection is detected from the star located 450 light years away from the Earth!  This phenomenon was marked by the intense flash of X-rays after the emission of a large bubble of plasma. This picture shows a coronal mass ejection or CME, which involves removing the material on a large scale, and often it is seen on our sun.  Using the Chandra X-ray Observatory, a new study first detected a CME from a star apart from us, which provides a novel insight into these powerful incidents.  As the name implies, these incidents occur in Corona, which is the outer atmosphere of a star.  This "Extrasolar" CME was observed to be emitted from a star called HR 9024, which is located approximately 450 light years away from the Earth.  It represents for the first time that researchers have identified a CME with a star other than our Sun and its feature.  This phenomenon was marked by an acute flash of X-ray after the emission of a huge bubble of pla...

Mature galaxy masses in the new Hubble view.

This image was taken by the Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3) of the Hubble Space Telescope, a powerful tool installed on the telescope in 2009.  NGC 7773 is a beautiful example of a forbidden spiral galaxy.  NGC 7773's wide, pinwheel-like spiral arms extend through the bright core of the galaxy to the inner boundary of a shiny bar-shaped structure.  Astronomers believe that these times later the structures emerge during the lifetime of a galaxy, because the content of the star makes its way towards the galactic center - do not allow the small spiral-constrained structures like B-Old spiral, this time  Is a sign of.  Galactic suggests that maturation  They are also considered to work as a stellar nursery, because they shine abundantly of young stars.  Like our galaxy, the Milky Way, NGC 7773, is considered a taboo spiral.  By studying galactic specimens such as NGC 7773 in the entire universe, researchers have hoped that the processes that take shape ...

Night Moves Trace X-ray.

.                                                                            Many bright arcs gather in different bright areas, in this image.  You might be surprised: what is being shown?  Air traffic route?  Global information roaming on the Internet?  Looping magnetic field in active areas on the Sun?  In fact, this is a map of the whole sky in X-ray, recorded by NASA's Neutron Star Interior Composition Explorer (NICER), which is a payload at the International Space Station.  For elementary science goals of NICER, it is necessary to target and track cosmic sources every three minutes orbiting the Earth.  But when the sun comes on the orbit of the night, the NICER team keeps its detectors active, while the payload sleeps from one goal to another, which can be u...

Most of the masses in galaxies are in the form of a mysterious dark matter.

.                                           Galaxies appear in the form of red dully which by any means skips the second phase of development.  To do this, these galaxies have experienced a very unusual and isolated development after colliding with red gold nuggets about 10 billion years ago.Most of the masses in galaxies are in the form of a mysterious dark matter, whose presence is known only by its gravitational influence on the general thing, which we see from our telescopes.  While dark matter is always more expansive than stars in the galaxy, but these relic galaxies should behave equally with stars;  That is, the "size" of dark matter Halo should be very compact in comparison to the respective sizes of dark matter halos in the surrounding galaxies of the same mass.  The general way the dark matter "shape" is represented is in the context of "concentration...

America Department of Physics and Biology at the Russian SpaceShift Station

                                                                                                                                                                 This week, a pair of American space and Russian ships left the Infinite Space Station.  Russia's progress 71 (71P) cargo craft closed in the morning and the SpaceX dragon returned to Earth on Monday.  Packed with 71P, trash and unused hardware, Tuesday morning, EDT undocked at 3:40 PM behind the Zvzda service module.  It republished the Earth's atmosphere and burned it safely in a remote part of the Pacific Ocean...

SpaceX,Dragon Cargo Returns Mission in Pacific ends with SplashDown

                                                                                                                                                        SpaceX dragon cargo spaceship dropped at 5:48 pm in the Pacific Ocean.  The EDT (2:48 p.m. PDT) is located approximately 202 miles southwest of Long Beach, California, which is located at the end of the company's 17th contracted Cargo Resipulli mission for NASA.  Spacecraft returned more than 4,200 pounds for other valuable scientific uses. Some scientific investigations of Dragon's return to Earth include: Overview of protein crystals growth, in the ...