From the discovery made on Mars, it is known that in the future where rivers, ponds will be living. It was previously estimated that the water on Mars evaporated about 3 years ago, but a study of the data deposited by the MRO on Mars over the past 15 years shows that there are indications of liquid water from Mars in the recent past. 2 billion to 2.5 billion years ago, this means that the water flowed, a billion years longer than previous estimates. On Mars, Caltech researchers used the Reconnaissance Orbiter to determine whether water on the surface of Mars had, in fact, left behind salt minerals as recently as 2 billion years ago. Data collected from Mars suggest that rivers and ponds on Mars may have been rippled billions of years ago, providing a potential habitat for microbial life. The discovery of salt confirms that there may have been liquid water on Mars, with salt being the first mineral to provide evidence of the presence of liquid water in deposits....