NASA hubble telescope captured the image of a storm running on Mars.

Surendra UikeyPosted by
NASA hubble telescope captured the image of a storm running on Mars.

A few days ago a storm has been seen on Mars, it is believed that this is responsible for dusty mist and other dust clouds on Mars. The storm that arose on Mars is of red dust, the only reason for this is, the red of Mars, the large regional dust storm on Mars as a strong, red cloudy area in the middle of the planet’s disk. The storm on Mars is so big, it is so big, that you can guess from this, that this storm can prevent the sun’s bright light from spreading by several k.m. The storm seen in Halli is about l930 mi (1500 km). The storm has been churning in the equatorial regions of the planet for several weeks, with Mars now in its hottest months, and is closest to the Sun in its orbit, resulting in a smaller than normal south polar ice cap, which  By and large summer has come to a close.

On October 28, NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope took a picture of Mars, which can be seen, the storm on Mars, when the picture of the storm was taken, when Mars was very close to the Earth. Hubble’s advanced camera took this image for the survey’s high resolution imager, which was 43 million miles (69 million km) away from the Earth at the time. The Hubble telescope has caught a regional dust storm on Mars, which is rapidly moving forward, and is also developing very rapidly. The dust storm, which can be seen in the center of the planet from Hubble’s view, is measured approximately 930 miles (1500 km) long diagonally, which is comparable to many cities in the US, such as the states of Texas Oklahoma and New Mexico. Storm as big as size.

One can observe this storm of Mars with any telescope, it is no wonder that amateur astronomers can monitor this storm even with moderately sized telescopes. As seen in the image of the storm, the smallest resolvable features (small craters and wind ridges) are the size of a large city, about 12 miles (20 km) across. The dust storm is located near the sinus meridiani of Mars, close to the landing site of NASA’s Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity. The rover may have to face a lot of difficulties due to the storm, because the dust in the storm can stop the sunlight coming into the atmosphere, and getting sunlight is very important for the rover to stay operational.

In 2005, Mars was closest to Earth, and Mars was about 43 million miles (69 million km) between Earth, when the NASA hubble telescope was at a distance when it took an image of Mars with its advanced camera, Mars goes through a 26-month cycle, and its distance from Earth changes. It has been seen many times, that when the distance between two planets is the shortest, we can see that planet from our planet with the same telescope, in the same way when Mars is close to the Earth, then in the sky When viewed through binoculars, it appears large. Taken with Hubble’s advanced camera, the image depicts various filters blue, green, and red (250, 502 and 658 nanometer wavelengths), when Mars is its hottest month, which is when it  It is closest to the Sun in orbit.

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