Will we know more about the Milky Way.

Surendra UikeyPosted by
Will we know more about the Milky Way.

No matter how many galaxies there are in the universe, the amount of dust gas in these galaxies is high, and due to this space telescopes are not able to see the part where there is dust gas. In the center of our Milky Way galaxy, obscured by dust and gas, optical telescopes prickle, hidden from the eyes, the Spitzer Space Telescope’s infrared cameras contain much of the dust, causing the crowded galactic center field stars  To see these parts of gas dust, NASA will launch the upcoming James Webb Space Telescope, NASA’s James Webb Space Tale  Scope jokingly stars that faint galaxy and sharp details, will provide improved infrared view.

We haven’t been able to see much of the Milky Way galaxy yet, because the center of our galaxy is a crowded place: and at the center of a black hole weighing 4 million times as much as our Sun is surrounded by millions of stars  Hai, who are moving around at breakneck speed.  This extreme environment is bathed in intense ultraviolet light and X-ray radiation. Still the majority of this black hole is hidden from our viewpoint, due to its interstellar dust obscuring vast swaths.  

The infrared light of the Galaxy can be seen clearly, so NASA is preparing the James Webb Space Telescope accordingly.  It is invisible to the human eye, but is very important for viewing astronomical objects hidden by dust. After its launch, the web will collect infrared light, the James Webb Space Telescope will also see the location of the galaxy, where the telescope is unable to see, using this telescope, we will learn more about the galaxy.

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