NASA, A view of the earth at 36,000 nautical miles.

National Aeronautics and Space Administration,(NASA) shared an image in social media account Twitter, A view of the Earth at 36,000 nautical miles, which draws photos from the Apollo 10 spacecraft during the trans-moon journey to the moon.

This scene of the Earth was taken from our Apollo 10 spacecraft during the trans-moon journey on May 18, 1969 in . this in image The Yucatan Peninsula is ambiguous by the clouds, in response to the Isthmus of Tehuntpec, almost all Mexico can be clearly depicted. The Gulf of California and Baja California and the San Joaquin Valley can be easily identified.Apart from this, Delta and Texas coastline of the Rio Grande River are visible.

Surendra Uikey

My name is Surendra Uikey, I am a science blogger, I have been blogging for the past three years, because I love to write, especially on astronomy, and I believe, if you want to learn something, then start learning others, By this it will be, that you learn things in a better way. In 2019, I started, the aim of making was to connect astronomy in simple words to common people.

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