The galaxy that has a compact area at its center, an keen galactic core (AGN) is a compact locality at the fix of a galaxy, in which the electromagnetic spectrum shines, at slightest in part, a lot privileged than regular brightness. Such bonus non-stellar giving off has been practical in radio, microwave, infrared, optical, ultra-violet, X-ray and gamma beam waves, with non-stellar radiation from an AGN at the fix of its congregation galaxy, a supermassive Causes to be caused by the shock of subject by a black hole.
Researchers suffer bare a alike galaxy, which includes a considerable black hole, shock waves, and a gigantic pool of gab at the galactic set on fire show, located approximately 23 million fair days away, with the galaxy firing impressive fireworks.
Some brand of NGC 4258 galactic has an impressive fireworks display, and is a spiral galaxy akin to our opaque Way, in addition identified as M106. Which is a spiral galaxy like our acknowledge union. The M106 is a galaxy as prominent as the opaque Way, but it is not like the creamy road in about respects, it has two especially spiral arms, which glow in X-ray, optical, and data lines light, but their individual arms are the be in front of the galaxy. Is not aligned with, as it is intersected with.
When the image of NGC 4258 galactic, with its asymmetrical arms is seen, the image of this galaxy was taken by different space telescopes, data taken from NASA's Lunar X-ray Observatory are blue X-rays, and by NSF The radio data are taken purple, optical data by the Hubble Space Telescope are yellow and infrared data, and the data for NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope is red.
All the studies that have been done by the space telescope, everything seemed to be similar, and the data taken by all of them was studied, what is different in this galaxy, and there is some kind of fireworks going on in it, is.
A new study, conducted by NASA's Spitzer, shows how supersonic planes have shock waves similar to sonic booms, and are somehow heating up large amounts of gas, and this is equivalent to about 10 million suns. Now the question is, how such shock waves are generating, and what causes it, the researchers report shows, that supermassive black holes at the center of NGC 4258 are high-energy particles. Is simultaneously producing powerful jets, and usually, these jets hit the galaxy's disk, causing shock waves, and due to which, as shock waves in it, it heats the gas, Hydrogen molecules are mainly heated to thousands of degrees.
When researchers used the European Space Agency's Herschel Space Observatory to make an independent estimate of the gas residue at the center of the galaxy NGC 4258, to confirm Spitzer data, the researchers found that the mass of the gas was lower than previously estimated Is ten times smaller.The NGC 4258 galaxy is close to Earth, and astronomers can study how the Mojube black hole is affecting its galaxy.
One can see in the image, taken by Chandra X-ray Observatory, that huge bubbles of hot gas are detected at the top and bottom of the galaxy, and these bubbles affecting that much of the gas that was originally the galaxy Is a disk, how it has been ejected from the black hole by jets on heating in the outer areas.
Researchers used Spitzer data to detect that stars are forming in the central regions of NGC 4258 at a rate that is about ten times lower than the Milky Way galaxy. The rejection of gas from the disk by the jet has important implications for the fate of any galaxy, the researchers predict, that all the remaining gases will be ejected over the next 300 million years, with most of the gas in the disk having already exited , And less gas is available to form new wires.