ISRO Mission chandrayaan 2, Challenges of a Moon’s Landing.

Chandrayaan-II is the second lunar exploration campaign in India, which has been developed by the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO).  The plan is to launch the GSLV Mark 3 launch vehicle.  This campaign will include a Chandra Orbiter (Chandra Yaan) and a rover and a lander built in India.Launch between Chandrayaan 2 July 15, and […]


Chandra Detects Another star Coronal Mass Ejection From.

 A coronal mass ejection is detected from the star located 450 light years away from the Earth!  This phenomenon was marked by the intense flash of X-rays after the emission of a large bubble of plasma.This picture shows a coronal mass ejection or CME, which involves removing the material on a large scale, and often […]


Mature galaxy masses in the new Hubble view.

This image was taken by the Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3) of the Hubble Space Telescope, a powerful tool installed on the telescope in 2009.  NGC 7773 is a beautiful example of a forbidden spiral galaxy.  NGC 7773’s wide, pinwheel-like spiral arms extend through the bright core of the galaxy to the inner boundary of […]


Night Moves Trace X-ray.

Many bright arcs gather in different bright areas, in this image. You might be surprised: what is being shown? Air traffic route? Global information roaming on the Internet? Looping magnetic field in active areas on the Sun? In fact, this is a map of the whole sky in X-ray, recorded by NASA’s Neutron Star Interior […]


Most of the masses in galaxies are in the form of a mysterious dark matter.

Galaxies appear in the form of red dully which by any means skips the second phase of development.To do this, these galaxies have experienced a very unusual and isolated development after colliding with red gold nuggets about 10 billion years ago.Most of the masses in galaxies are in the form of a mysterious dark matter, […]


America Department of Physics and Biology at the Russian SpaceShift Station

This week, a pair of American space and Russian ships left the Infinite Space Station. Russia’s progress 71 (71P) cargo craft closed in the morning and the SpaceX dragon returned to Earth on Monday. Packed with 71P, trash and unused hardware, Tuesday morning, EDT undocked at 3:40 PM behind the Zvzda service module. It republished […]


SpaceX,Dragon Cargo Returns Mission in Pacific ends with SplashDown

SpaceX dragon cargo spaceship dropped at 5:48 pm in the Pacific Ocean. The EDT (2:48 p.m. PDT) is located approximately 202 miles southwest of Long Beach, California, which is located at the end of the company’s 17th contracted Cargo Resipulli mission for NASA. Spacecraft returned more than 4,200 pounds for other valuable scientific uses. Some […]


ISRO,PSLV C-46 Successfully launch.

Congratulation isro team.                                                  Today we are a matter of great pride for the Indians.Friends, you will be happy to know that the ISRO successfully have launch pslv c-46 rockets.Indian Space Research […]


NASA, A view of the earth at 36,000 nautical miles.

National Aeronautics and Space Administration,(NASA) shared an image in social media account Twitter, A view of the Earth at 36,000 nautical miles, which draws photos from the Apollo 10 spacecraft during the trans-moon journey to the moon. This scene of the Earth was taken from our Apollo 10 spacecraft during the trans-moon journey on May […]


ISRO : chandrayaan 2 mission ,GSLV Rocket will fly 13 payloads.

Hello friends, today we will talk about the Indian Space Agency ISRO’s Chandrayaan 2 Mission. Friends should tell you that ISRO is now in the preparation of Chandrayaan 2. ISRO said on Wednesday that India will send 13 payloads for the second moon mission to be sent in July, and will also be a tool […]


How Earth’s Gravitational Force Works

The Earth’s gravitational force, which takes place on the body mass of a body near the surface of the Earth, is called the gravity of the Earth. g is denoted as. If a body is moving independently in the absence of any force other than the force of gravity near the surface of the earth, […]


What is gravitational force ?

Gravitationl force is an attraction force between any two substances, objects, particles present.Gravitational force is not only the force of attraction between Earth and Object, but it exists between the objects present in the universe.The higher the mass of any object, its gravitational force will also be higher.The mass of the lost Earth is greater […]


ISRO: PSLV C- 46 launch

PSLV-C46 Mission on 22 May 2019, Satish Dhawan Space Center Indian Space Agency (ISRO) is preparing to launch Pslv c-46 very soon.ISRO will launch RISAT-2B using PSLV-C46.ISRO is ready to launch RISAT-2B from Satish Dhawan Space Center, Sriharikota on 21 May, 2019 at 5:27 am on ISRO PSLV-C46. PSLV-C46 which is the 48th mission of […]


lSRO :Chandrayaan-2

Chandrayaan-II is the second lunar exploration campaign after India’s Chandrayaan-1, which has been developed by the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO).ISRO had announced the launch of Chandrayaan-2 in 2017 and then in 2018, but it could not be possible.Now ISRO Chandrayaan is in the process of launching on June 2, 2019, Chandrayaan 2 will be […]


Why the Earth revolves around the Sun ?

Why do all the planets in the Earth and the solar system revolve around the Sun?                                                            Hello friends today we will talk in this article why […]