Webb's MIRI (Mid-Infrared Instrument) discovered the dusty 'cat's tail' in the Beta Pictoris system.

Surendra UikeyPosted by

Beta Pictoris, a youthful planetary system positioned a mere 63 light-years away, continues to captivate scientists with its mysteries even after extensive scrutiny spanning decades. Notably, it harbors the first dust disk ever imaged around a distant star, formed through collisions among asteroids, comets, and planetesimals. Recent observations using NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope unveiled a second debris disk, inclined concerning the initially observed outer disk.

In a utilizing NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope, a team of astronomers, led by Isabel Rebollido from the Astrobiology Center in Spain, delved into the Beta Pictoris system. Employing Webb’s NIRCam and MIRI, they not only scrutinized the composition of the previously identified main and secondary debris disks but also made an unexpected discovery. The results surpassed expectations, revealing a distinct, sharply inclined structure resembling a cat’s tail emerging from the southwest section of the secondary debris disk.

This image of the star system Beta Pictoris taken by Webb’s MIRI (Mid-Infrared Instrument).

Webb's MIRI (Mid-Infrared Instrument) discovered the dusty 'cat's tail' in the Beta Pictoris system.

Presenting an intriguing glimpse into the Beta Pictoris star system, this image captured by Webb’s MIRI (Mid-Infrared Instrument) showcases the celestial landscape in unprecedented detail. The dominant feature is the edge-on disk of dusty debris resulting from planetesimal collisions, depicted in striking orange hues. A secondary, hotter disk (cyan) exhibits a subtle inclination of about 5 degrees concerning the primary disk. The remarkable discovery, a curved structure dubbed the “cat’s tail,” graces the upper right and is a previously unseen element. Employing a coronagraph (black circle and two small disks) to eclipse the central star’s light (marked with a white star shape), this image, taken at 15.5 and 23 microns (cyan and orange, respectively), offers a unique perspective on the intricate dynamics within the Beta Pictoris system.

Isabel Rebollido, the lead author of the study, expresses the uniqueness of Beta Pictoris, stating, “Beta Pictoris is the debris disk that has it all: It has a really bright, close star that we can study very well, and a complex circumstellar environment with a multi-component disk, exocomets, and two imaged exoplanets.” Emphasizing the significance of the James Webb Space Telescope’s capabilities, Rebollido notes, “While there have been previous observations from the ground in this wavelength range, they did not have the sensitivity and the spatial resolution that we now have with Webb, so they didn’t detect this feature.” The unparalleled sensitivity and spatial resolution provided by Webb have unveiled previously unseen features, enhancing our understanding of this dynamic stellar system.

James Webb Space Telescope Enhances Celestial Beauty: A Star’s Portrait Improved.

The James Webb Space Telescope (Webb or JWST) proved instrumental in uncovering the distinctive “cat’s tail” feature in the Beta Pictoris system, particularly in the mid-infrared wavelength range. This unique structure, exclusively discernible in the MIRI data, highlights the significance of observing Beta Pic at the right wavelengths. The mid-infrared data from Webb also unveiled temperature variations between Beta Pic’s two disks, suggesting differences in composition.

Christopher Stark, a co-author of the study from NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, remarked, “We didn’t expect Webb to reveal that there are two different types of material around Beta Pic, but MIRI clearly showed us that the material of the secondary disk and cat’s tail is hotter than the main disk.” He further explained that the dust forming the secondary disk and tail is likely very dark, making it challenging to observe at visible wavelengths but readily detectable in the mid-infrared, where it emits a noticeable glow. This unexpected revelation provides valuable insights into the distinct components shaping the Beta Pictoris system.

In the quest to elucidate the higher temperature observed in Beta Pictoris’ secondary disk and cat’s tail, the team hypothesized that the dust might comprise highly porous “organic refractory material,” akin to substances discovered on the surfaces of comets and asteroids within our solar system. Drawing parallels, a preliminary analysis of material collected from the asteroid Bennu by NASA’s OSIRIS-REx mission unveiled its dark and carbon-rich nature, aligning with the characteristics detected by MIRI in the Beta Pictoris system. This correlation provides a compelling insight into the potential composition of the enigmatic materials shaping the secondary disk and cat’s tail within Beta Pictoris.

Annotated Image.

Webb's MIRI (Mid-Infrared Instrument) discovered the dusty 'cat's tail' in the Beta Pictoris system.

Captured by Webb’s MIRI, this mesmerizing image unveils the Beta Pictoris star system in unprecedented detail. The dominant feature is the edge-on disk of dusty debris, a result of planetesimal collisions, presented in vibrant orange hues and labeled as the “main disk plane.” While the existence of a secondary disk (cyan), inclined by 5 degrees to the main disk, was previously known, Webb’s imaging reveals its true extent at the lower left.

Additionally, the telescope detected a never-before-seen feature, aptly named the “cat’s tail.” Employing a coronagraph to obscure the central star’s light, this image provides a scale bar indicating that Beta Pic’s disks stretch for hundreds of astronomical units. Notably, the image uses cyan for 15.5 microns and orange for 23 microns (filters F1550C and F2300C, respectively), offering a vivid depiction of the intricate structures within this celestial tableau.

Unraveling the Enigma: Future Research to Probe the Puzzling Beginning of Beta Pictoris’ Distinctive Tail.

Despite gained from Webb’s observations of Beta Pictoris, a enigma persists: the peculiar shape of the cat’s tail, a distinctive curve unparalleled in disks around other stars. To unravel the origins of this unique feature, Isabel Rebollido and her team delved into various modeling scenarios. While conclusive answers require additional research and testing, a compelling hypothesis emerges. The team suggests that the cat’s tail may have resulted from a recent dust production event, occurring a mere hundred years ago—a discovery that adds a fascinating temporal dimension to the dynamic processes shaping the Beta Pictoris system.

Marshall Perrin, a co-author of the study from the Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore, Maryland, sheds light on the potential genesis of the cat’s tail, stating, “Something happens — like a collision — and a lot of dust is produced. At first, the dust goes in the same orbital direction as its source, but then it also starts to spread out. The light from the star pushes the smallest, fluffiest dust particles away from the star faster, while the bigger grains do not move as much, creating a long tendril of dust.”

Christopher Stark, another co-author, adds insight into the modeling challenges: “The cat’s tail feature is highly unusual, and reproducing the curvature with a dynamical model was difficult. Our model requires dust that can be pushed out of the system extremely rapidly, which again suggests it’s made of organic refractory material.” This proposed mechanism offers a compelling explanation for the distinctive curvature of the cat’s tail, introducing a captivating narrative of dust dynamics within the Beta Pictoris system.


In this animation, astronomers hypothesize the creation of the cat’s tail as a result of a recent dust production event, possibly a collision, occurring just a hundred years ago. The tendril of dust, visible in the southwest portion of Beta Pictoris’ secondary debris disk, is envisioned to stretch an astonishing 10 billion miles. This dynamic scenario adds a fascinating temporal dimension to the celestial narrative, as the intricate interplay of cosmic forces shapes the distinctive features within the Beta Pictoris system.

The team’s favored model unravels the enigma of the cat’s tail by attributing its apparent sharp angle away from the disk to a clever optical illusion. The combination of our perspective and the tail’s curved shape creates the observed angle, while, in reality, the arc of material departs from the disk at a modest five-degree incline. Assessing the brightness of the tail, the team estimates that the amount of dust within the cat’s tail corresponds to the dispersal of a substantial main belt asteroid stretched across an astonishing distance of 10 billion miles. This insightful perspective offers a clearer understanding of the intricate dynamics shaping the Beta Pictoris system.

The discovery of a newly-seen asymmetric extension of the inclined inner disk in Beta Pictoris, as revealed in the MIRI data and observed on the side opposite of the cat’s tail, aligns with the hypothesis of a recent dust production event within the debris disks. This collisional dust production could also provide an explanation for a previously identified feature spotted by the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array in 2014—a clump of carbon monoxide (CO) situated near the cat’s tail. Given that the star’s radiation is expected to break down CO within approximately one hundred years, the persistent presence of this gas concentration serves as potential lingering evidence of the same event, further enriching the narrative of dynamic celestial processes within the Beta Pictoris system.

Christopher Stark reflects on the findings, stating, “Our research suggests that Beta Pic may be even more active and chaotic than we had previously thought. JWST continues to surprise us, even when looking at the most well-studied objects. We have a completely new window into these planetary systems.” This revelation underscores the ongoing capacity of the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) to unveil unforeseen aspects of celestial bodies, even those extensively studied. The results were shared during a press conference at the 243rd meeting of the American Astronomical Society in New Orleans, Louisiana. The observations contributing to these insights were conducted under the Guaranteed Time Observation program 1411.

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