Hubble and Spitzer have discovered two exoplanet “water worlds” orbiting a red dwarf star.

 Kepler-138 is a red dwarf star located 218 light-years away with three identified planets, Kepler-138 b, c, and d. In this illustration, super-Earth Kepler-138 d is in the foreground, with…

Continue ReadingHubble and Spitzer have discovered two exoplanet “water worlds” orbiting a red dwarf star.

Webb captured a comprehensive view of the Uranian system, which includes six of the 27 known moons.

 This incredible zoomed-in image of Uranus, captured by Webb’s Near-Infrared Camera (NIRCam) on February 6, 2023, reveals stunning views of the planet's rings. In this representative-color image, the planet displays…

Continue ReadingWebb captured a comprehensive view of the Uranian system, which includes six of the 27 known moons.

The Hubble Telescope Captures a Striking Trail of a Runaway Black Hole’s Starry Journey.

 This archival image from the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope captures an extraordinary phenomenon: a 200 000-light-year-long chain of young blue stars. Initially dismissed as an imaging artifact, follow-up spectroscopic observations…

Continue ReadingThe Hubble Telescope Captures a Striking Trail of a Runaway Black Hole’s Starry Journey.

ISRO successfully conducted the Reusable Launch Vehicle Autonomous Landing Mission (RLV LEX) at the Aeronautical Test Range (ATR).

ISRO conducted the Reusable Launch Vehicle Autonomous Landing Mission (RLV-LEX) successfully on April 2, 2023 at the Aeronautical Test Range (ATR) in Chitradurga, Karnataka. This was the first successful test…

Continue ReadingISRO successfully conducted the Reusable Launch Vehicle Autonomous Landing Mission (RLV LEX) at the Aeronautical Test Range (ATR).