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Hubble observed a bright shower of stars in the Large Magellanic Cloud.

The Hubble Telescope observed a bright shower of stars amid waves of gas and dust in the open cluster KMHK 1231, a group of stars loosely bound by gravity. The cluster KMHK 1231 is surrounded by a crimson nebula of gas and dust in the Large Magellanic Cloud, and new stars form in the cloud of gas and dust, so in the future, this cloud may someday form new stars.

Hubble’s objective in the Magellanic Cluster was to study how ultraviolet light is absorbed by material in the space between Earth and the Large Magellanic Cloud. This probe will help astronomers determine how light objects leave the satellite galaxy and travel to the Milky Way, It is important to determine the characteristics of these objects, visible in orange and red in this image, and near- Indicate infrared light.

Open clusters, such as those found in the Large Magellanic Cluster, are common in spiral and irregular galaxies, where star formation is common, as gas and dust clouds are present here, and stars form from gas and dust clouds. Astronomers can share characteristics such as stars and their chemical composition, as they provide excellent laboratories for studying how stars form and evolve.

Surendra Uikey

My name is Surendra Uikey, I am a science blogger, I have been blogging for the past three years, because I love to write, especially on astronomy, and I believe, if you want to learn something, then start learning others, By this it will be, that you learn things in a better way. In 2019, I started, the aim of making was to connect astronomy in simple words to common people.

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