Supergiant star Betelgeuse has blown off his top.

Surendra UikeyPosted by
Supergiant star Betelgeuse has blown off his top.

A team of researchers, studying data from the NASA Hubble Telescope and other observatories, found that the supergiant star Betelgeuse blew off its top, lost a large part of its visible surface, and caused a massive surface mass ejection. SMEs) are produced. Ejections (SMEs) are an action in which there is a significant release of plasma from the Sun’s corona into the heliosphere, as well as the accompanying magnetic field, that results in the Sun regularly blowing away parts of its weak outer atmosphere, the corona, But the Betelgeuse SME has erupted 400 billion times more massive than a normal CME, and is slowly recovering from this devastating upheaval.

Andrea Dupree of the Center for Astrophysics says that while “Betelgeuse is doing some unusual things right now, and the interior is bouncing, new observations from Harvard and the Smithsonian in Cambridge, Massachusetts provide clues, how a red star appears late in its life.” This is because their nuclear fusion furnaces burn out before a supernova can explode. The amount of mass loss of red stars significantly affects their fate, but Betelgeuse’s surprising form There is no evidence that the star is going to die out any time soon, and no mass loss event is a sign of an imminent explosion.

Dupree depicts a coherent story of a never-before-seen, Titanic spasm in an aging star, in which he has put together all the puzzle pieces of the star’s petulant behavior before, after and during the explosion in one image. For this, Dupree used the STELLA Robotic Observatory, Fred L. Whipple Observatory’s Tillinghast Reflector Echelle Spectrograph (TRES), NASA’s Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory spacecraft (STEREO-A), NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope and the American Association of Variables’ New Spectroscopic and Imaging Helped with data. The star observer (AAVSO) has played a key role in solving the mystery, says Dupree, adding that we have never seen a massive mass ejection of a star’s surface before, this is an entirely new phenomenon, which we can directly observe by Hubble and resolve the details of its surface.

The supergiant star Betelgeuse has scattered fragments of the photosphere into space, and those that survived have cooled to form a dust cloud that has blocked light from the star, as seen by Earth observers. In 2019, researchers observed the changing brightness of the supergiant star Betelgeuse, which lasted for a few months, one of the brightest stars in the sky, found in the right shoulder of the constellation Orion, research shows, The supergiant’s 400-day pulsation rate is now running, at least temporarily.

For nearly 200 years, astronomers have clearly measured this rhythm as Betelgeuse’s brightness variations and changes in surface motions, and its disruption attests to the speed of the strike. Betelgeuse is now so massive, that if it replaced the Sun at the center of our solar system, this outer surface would extend beyond the orbit of Jupiter, Dupree told Hubble in 1996 to resolve hot spots on the star’s surface, This was the first direct image of a star other than the Sun.

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