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NASA’s James Webb Telescope Captures Cosmic Fireworks of Star Birth.

  L1527, captured by NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope’s MIRI, is a molecular cloud housing a protostar located 460 light-years away in Taurus. Organic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) contribute to the diffuse blue light and filamentary structures, while the red highlights an energized layer of gases and dust enveloping the protostar. In between, a white […]

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NASA’s Parker Solar Probe Completes 20th Close Approach to the Sun.

  Parker Solar Probe’s 20th orbit included a perihelion that brought the spacecraft within 4.51 million miles of the Sun, showcasing the mission’s continued success in gathering unprecedented data from the solar environment. NASA’s Parker Solar Probe achieved its 20th close approach to the Sun on June 30, 2024, coming within about 4.51 million miles […]

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NASA Simulation Reveals Origins of Asteroid Belt’s Vesta-like Objects.

  NASA-supported researchers have conducted a groundbreaking study using simulations to delve into the origins of objects in the asteroid belt, shedding light on their formation and evolution. The study, detailed in The Planetary Science Journal, focuses on understanding the composition and distribution of S- and C-complex objects within the belt. The research team, led […]

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NASA’s Juno Mission Provides Close-Up View of Lava Lakes on Jupiter’s Moon Io.

  On February 3, NASA’s Juno spacecraft, equipped with the JunoCam instrument, captured a striking image of two volcanic plumes ascending above the horizon of Jupiter’s moon Io. Taken from a distance of approximately 2,400 miles (3,800 kilometers), this snapshot offers a close-up view of the active geological processes shaping Io’s rugged surface. Infrared imagery […]

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Hubble Captures an Image of Nebula RCW 7, Revealing Massive Protostars in Constellation Puppis.

  A visually striking collection of interstellar gas and dust is captured in this latest image from the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope. Named RCW 7, this nebula is located over 5,300 light-years away in the constellation Puppis. Nebulae, such as RCW 7, are rich in the raw materials needed to form new stars. Under the […]

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NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope Captures New Image of Galaxy NGC 1546 in Alternate Operating Mode.

  NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope has successfully resumed operations and captured its first new images after switching to an alternate operating mode that uses one gyroscope (gyro). The spacecraft returned to science operations on June 14, following several weeks offline due to an issue with one of its gyros, which are essential for controlling and […]

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Webb and ALMA Unveil Hidden Secrets of the WL 20 Star System in Rho Ophiuchi.

  Managed by NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory through launch, Webb’s Mid-Infrared Instrument (MIRI) recently unveiled a significant discovery. Scientists were astonished when NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope focused on a group of young stars known as WL 20. Despite being studied since the 1970s with at least five other telescopes, it was Webb’s unparalleled resolution […]

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James Webb Space Telescope Unlocks New Insights into the Crab Nebula.

  This image by NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope’s NIRCam (Near-Infrared Camera) and MIRI (Mid-Infrared Instrument) shows different structural details of the Crab Nebula. The supernova remnant comprises several components, including doubly ionized sulfur (green), warm dust (magenta), and synchrotron emission (blue). Yellow-white mottled filaments within the Crab’s interior represent areas where dust and doubly […]

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NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope Reveals Peculiar Globular Cluster in Large Magellanic Cloud.

  This NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope image features the globular cluster NGC 2005. Located about 750 light-years from the center of the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC), this cluster provides unique insights into galaxy evolution and the history of our universe. The Hubble Space Telescope, a joint project of NASA and the European Space Agency (ESA), […]


In 1993, Hubble revealed an abundant planet-forming disk in the Orion Nebula.

A NASA Hubble Space Telescope image of a region of the Great Nebula in Orion, one of the closest areas of recent star formation, offers a glimpse into cosmic creation. The nebula, a vast gas cloud 1,500 light-years away, is illuminated by young, hot stars. Many fainter stars are encircled by dust and gas disks, […]

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Researchers Unveil New Framework for Understanding Emergence in Complex Systems.

  Jupiter’s Great Red Spot, seen in this animation based on Voyager 1 and Hubble images, has swirled for hundreds of years, exemplifying how large-scale patterns and organization can arise from innumerable microscopic interactions. HA few centuries ago, the swirling polychromatic chaos of Jupiter’s atmosphere spawned the immense vortex that we call the Great Red […]


The Unveiling of NGC 4414: A Milestone in Astronomical Observation.

  In 1995, the Hubble Space Telescope captured a breathtaking image of the spiral galaxy NGC 4414, marking a significant achievement in the Hubble Space Telescope Key Project on the Extragalactic Distance Scale. This remarkable effort was spearheaded by Dr. Wendy Freedman from the Observatories of the Carnegie Institution of Washington, along with an international […]


NASA spotted the Red Planet (Mars) Light Up during a massive solar storm.

The specks in this image are from charged particles of a solar storm hitting Curiosity’s camera, as it captures dust devils and wind gusts on Mars. Curiosity’s navigation camera captured black-and-white streaks and specks caused by energetic particles from a solar storm hitting the image detector. A recent extreme solar storm not only produced auroras […]


Aditya-L1’s SUIT and VELC Capture Solar Fury.

During the week of May 8 – 15, 2024, the active region AR13664 on the Sun unleashed numerous X-class and M-class flares, accompanied by Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) on May 8 and 9. This culminated in a significant geomagnetic storm on May 11, 2024. Aditya-L1’s remote sensing payloads, SoLEXS and HEL1OS, captured these events on […]


New Insights from NASA’s Chandra Reveal the Secrets of Super Star Cluster Westerlund 1.

  Westerlund 1, the largest and closest super star cluster to Earth, is offering astronomers a deeper understanding of star formation thanks to new data from NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory. The cluster, which lies about 13,000 light-years away, is a galactic powerhouse where stars are vigorously being produced. This revelation comes from the Extended Westerlund […]