Read more about the article Hubble Captures Detailed Image of Dwarf Irregular Galaxy NGC 5238.
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Hubble Captures Detailed Image of Dwarf Irregular Galaxy NGC 5238.

 This NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope image captures the dwarf irregular galaxy NGC 5238, offering a glimpse into its intricate stellar population and compelling history.In a recent image captured by the…

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Read more about the article Martian Halos: Curiosity Reveals Signs of Ancient Groundwater Activity on Mars.
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Martian Halos: Curiosity Reveals Signs of Ancient Groundwater Activity on Mars.

 These yellow crystals were unveiled when NASA's Curiosity rover inadvertently cracked open a rock on May 30, revealing elemental sulfur—a remarkable first for Mars. Analyzed using the rover's onboard instruments,…

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Read more about the article Lunar Caves Discovered Beneath Moon’s Surface by NASA’s LRO.
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Lunar Caves Discovered Beneath Moon’s Surface by NASA’s LRO.

 Images captured by NASA’s Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) reveal a fascinating array of lunar pits scattered across the Moon's surface. Each image, spanning approximately 728 feet wide, offers a glimpse…

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Read more about the article Webb Unveils Cosmic Dance: Arp 142 Galaxies in Stunning Infrared Detail.
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Webb Unveils Cosmic Dance: Arp 142 Galaxies in Stunning Infrared Detail.

The Penguin and the Egg, galaxies jointly known as Arp 142, are engaged in a dynamic interaction captured by NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope. This near- and mid-infrared image reveals…

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Read more about the article Hubble discovers intermediate-mass black hole in the Omega Centauri cluster.
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Hubble discovers intermediate-mass black hole in the Omega Centauri cluster.

 Omega Centauri stands out among its counterparts in the realm of globular clusters due to its extraordinary mass, which surpasses that of other large clusters by approximately tenfold. Comprising a…

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Read more about the article NASA’s James Webb Telescope Captures Cosmic Fireworks of Star Birth.
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NASA’s James Webb Telescope Captures Cosmic Fireworks of Star Birth.

 L1527, captured by NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope’s MIRI, is a molecular cloud housing a protostar located 460 light-years away in Taurus. Organic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) contribute to the…

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Read more about the article NASA’s Parker Solar Probe Completes 20th Close Approach to the Sun.
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NASA’s Parker Solar Probe Completes 20th Close Approach to the Sun.

 Parker Solar Probe’s 20th orbit included a perihelion that brought the spacecraft within 4.51 million miles of the Sun, showcasing the mission's continued success in gathering unprecedented data from the…

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Read more about the article NASA Simulation Reveals Origins of Asteroid Belt’s Vesta-like Objects.
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NASA Simulation Reveals Origins of Asteroid Belt’s Vesta-like Objects.

 NASA-supported researchers have conducted a groundbreaking study using simulations to delve into the origins of objects in the asteroid belt, shedding light on their formation and evolution. The study, detailed…

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Read more about the article NASA’s Juno Mission Provides Close-Up View of Lava Lakes on Jupiter’s Moon Io.
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NASA’s Juno Mission Provides Close-Up View of Lava Lakes on Jupiter’s Moon Io.

 On February 3, NASA's Juno spacecraft, equipped with the JunoCam instrument, captured a striking image of two volcanic plumes ascending above the horizon of Jupiter’s moon Io. Taken from a…

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Read more about the article Hubble Captures an Image of Nebula RCW 7, Revealing Massive Protostars in Constellation Puppis.
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Hubble Captures an Image of Nebula RCW 7, Revealing Massive Protostars in Constellation Puppis.

 A visually striking collection of interstellar gas and dust is captured in this latest image from the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope. Named RCW 7, this nebula is located over 5,300…

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Read more about the article NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope Captures New Image of Galaxy NGC 1546 in Alternate Operating Mode.
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NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope Captures New Image of Galaxy NGC 1546 in Alternate Operating Mode.

 NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope has successfully resumed operations and captured its first new images after switching to an alternate operating mode that uses one gyroscope (gyro). The spacecraft returned to…

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Read more about the article Webb and ALMA Unveil Hidden Secrets of the WL 20 Star System in Rho Ophiuchi.
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Webb and ALMA Unveil Hidden Secrets of the WL 20 Star System in Rho Ophiuchi.

 Managed by NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory through launch, Webb’s Mid-Infrared Instrument (MIRI) recently unveiled a significant discovery. Scientists were astonished when NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope focused on a group…

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