The Milky Way, where our Earth is, is a supermassive black hole at the center of the Milky Way, known as Sagittarius A,astronomers have recorded light shining in the center of the Milky Way.Astronomers observed near-infrared wavelengths from light on May 13, which were nearly twice as bright as a black hole, and have been observed under surveillance for the past 20 years.
The heat of gas and dust generate their light in the black hole.And their increase in brightness indicates that the same black hole was probably swallowing faster than normal.The black hole also changed rapidly: after reaching peak brightness, the brightness exceeded 75 in two hours.
Scientists don't understand why Sagittarius A * is shining so much, but it may have something to do with the close approach of one of its neighbors, such as a star named S2 that buzzed a black hole in 2018 ( SN: 7/26/18). Taro disrupts the normal flow of gas and dust around the black hole, causing it to eat more quickly.
This potential culprit is a mysterious object, known as G2, it forms a pair of stars surrounded by a group of gas, it was near a black hole in 2014 (SN: 7/19/13).Researchers were watching closely, and they hoped, at one time the gas from G2 would be pulled into the black hole, UCLA believes, that the black hole is no longer shiny.